I'm having trouble with why it is that a Cuban Canadian..

gets to spend millions of tax payer dollars
reading Green Eggs and Ham to his children from the floor of the United States Senate?
Near as I can tell the bottom line is that Ted Cruz and his anti
American Tea Publican cronies in the House and Senate want to end the
Federal government so you can pay your taxes directly to the Koch
brothers without having to deal with that nasty old IRS which wants to
oppress conservatives by making then follow the same rules as everybody
else. This move by the Koch financed Tea Party will upset Donald
Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney when it actually happens because they need you to give your tax money to the IRS so they can take it and make millions of dollars profiteering on wars
they lie us into.When asked about this Cheney said, "So why haven't we bombed Syria already?"
Ted also seems to be upset that Obama refuses to compromise with the GOP and delay/destroy/defund/whatever Obamacare. This is apparently because Ted, a
megalomaniac asshole by the accounts of even his closest
friends sycophants, doesn't recognize realities that contradict the mythology in his head, namely that everyone pretty much wanted single payer healthcare but the GOP graciously gave Obama everything he wanted in a magnanimous act of gracious compromise on their part, thereby creating the greatest gift to insurance companies ever devised by the Heritage Foundation known as Obamacare.
Bad as it is, Obamacare is worlds better than the GOP's ideal system in which rich people get fabulous medical care and jump to the front of the line for new organs even when they totally don't meet the criteria except that they are rich from war profiteering, while poor people get nothing, and the middle class gets nearly nothing except high co-pays and gets kicked off their insurance rolls if they actually do get sick. Insurance after all is not for sick people, just ask any health insurance company CEO. Diabolical Obamacare actually pays insurance companies to provide insurance, albeit at a reasonable rate.
And now back to Ted Cruz, eh? Several people actually suffered through Ted's fake filibuster so we didn't have to be scarred for life.
Wonkette is my go to source for clarity in matters like this. CSPAN put it this way...
I know you've seen Southern Beals take on this.....also great.
ReplyDeleteAnd these a%@hole Repubs do NOT want to admit that this Obamacare "Train Wreck" was once a proposal from Bob Dole with the GOP decades ago, and also the Heritage Foundation, not to mention it is working (Romneycare) in Mass.
The RWJS are going to be the downfall of the average person in this country...if they aren't already.