Monday, July 17, 2017

The GOP Does It and NO, Dems DON"T Do It Too...

I admire a good thought well expressed. Leonard Pitts has lots of them in this article. I conclude that there is a shortage of "Fair Observers"...
A party that once provided a sober conservative counterweight to the Democrats’ more liberal impulses has flat out lost its mind, given itself over to rage, fear, schoolyard taunts and bizarre conspiracy theories. Which leaves me impatient with those who frame our political divide as if the issue were that left and right had equally abandoned the center. No fair observer can believe that.

We all know how they got that way: voter suppression, gerrymandering, obstruction, religious fanaticism, and the non-stop construction and maintenance of a pile of Big Lies that Jon Stewart famously called "Bullshit Mountain,"

It's All Right HERE

Friday, July 14, 2017

Chuck Flieschmann just voted to allow people who are under investigation by the FBI for Treason to keep their security clearance.

Chuck Flieschmann just voted to allow people who are under investigation by the FBI for Treason to keep their security clearance. 

"The measure would have barred the government from issuing or maintaining a security clearance for any White House individual “under a criminal investigation by a Federal law enforcement agency for aiding a foreign government.”

I can't believe I am actually typing those words. More importantly, I can;t believe I am the one bring this to you instead of every national media outlet going off in second coming type.

How low has the GOP sunk?

Thursday, July 6, 2017

The Good News is Trump Support in TN at 38%...But...

How in the name of sanity is this possible?
A poll conducted by the Office of Consumer Research at Middle Tennessee State University’s Jones College of Business reports that the surveyed Tennesseans trust President Donald Trump a bit more than Gov. Bill Haslam.
Could this be the answer?

 Democrats place higher trust in mainstream media outlets (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC) than do Republicans, whereas Republicans have a relatively higher level of trust in Fox News.
